Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On the Move

Until last Monday, Ian was content to sit in one place on the floor and play with whatever was around him. He had no desire to crawl toward anything that was placed out of his reach, and I fully anticipated him walking before he ever crawled. But, that has all changed now, and he has perfected the art of belly crawling. I am amazed at how quickly he can move his body across the floor to investigate his world. Ian had 2 more top teeth come through last Saturday, so he has a grand total of 6 now. I have included a video of him walking with the "mail cart," and one of him crawling. I love the look of excitement he gets on his face as he is practicing his gross motor skills, as well as his sporadic laughs and bursts of "dialogue."
With all the toys he has to play with, these are his new favorites. Now that he can get to them whenever he wants, they seem to clang together ALL THE TIME!! :)

Mommy was one step ahead of this little man when I already had the outlets covered. I look at every room using a whole new set of eyes now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Many Faces of Ian

It has been a very long time since I have posted any new pictures, and I apologize. I have been busy planning someone's first birthday party and decorating his room. We have also been enjoying time outside in the beautiful weather. Ian's personality comes through more every day, and I am reminded that he has a mind of his own. I can hardly believe that this little boy is no longer a baby! Crawling towards the stairs with a look of achievement.
Ian enjoys bunching blankets up around him when they are all spread out. This is the face he gives me when he is getting riled up with laughter. Do I detect a mischievous glint in his eyes?

You can see all 4 of his teeth really well in this picture.

Does anyone else think he has had it with picture time? When he gets frustrated he either pats his head with both hands or pulls his hair...hopefully he'll grow out of this or else he might start going bald early.
Sticking his tongue out and blowing spit everywhere. It's cute now, but it won't be when he is doing it in defiance.

A baby gate will be installed shortly to keep this little man from scaling the stairs when I'm not looking.

What do you get when your little boy needs to wear size 18 month clothes to fit around his thighs and belly, but his legs are still needing to fit into the length of a size 12 months? Capri pants for boys. :)

Playing with his musical table...Ian loves this toy!

Ian loves giving hugs. You can see the look of pure joy on his sweet face as he brings the bear close to him. He is such a loving child.
Being silly rolling around on the floor.