Sunday, April 26, 2009
It's a Texas tradition to have your child's picture taken in the bluebonnets, and I've been searching for just the right patch. Last year, Ian was an infant, and the bluebonnets weren't great because of the drought. I've waited almost too long in my quest to find the perfect spot, so I settled for some that weren't on the side of the highway (a little too distracting to have cars and trucks flying down the road at 70 miles an hour as I try to capture my child's attention for a photo). It was an overcast day, windy, and Ian wasn't feeling very photogenic, but at least I have some pictures of him in the bluebonnets. Better luck next year, huh?
Trying to eat the bluebonnets.
One of the better photos, but it is sloping downhill. It's hard to get on the ground, get Ian's attention, make him smile, and take a picture all at the same time...having the camera level was another challenge.
On Saturday, we went to a birthday party that had a barnyard and pony rides. Ian loved every minute of it, and wasn't scared of any of the animals. He had his first pony ride, but I didn't get any pictures of it because I didn't have my camera at that time, and I wasn't sure how he was going to do. Someone did get some pictures of him sitting like a big boy in the saddle, so I'll post those once I get them. For the record, the pony's name was Dusty, and she was a sweet old girl. Here are some of the pictures I did take.
He wanted to touch every animal...this child has no fear. I thought this picture was so sweet of him talking to the pony and trying to pet him.
The smaller pony in the background (the one with her butt to the camera) is the one that Ian rode. Ian doesn't look very happy in this picture, but he was checking out what the other kids were doing and wasn't interested in being photographed.
Here he is walking along the fence to get to the gate; I think he thought he could sneak in there and I would never know! :)
Hanging Out at Home
I've accumulated some pictures, and just wanted to share some random moments spent at home (some of the best moments of my days).
Rocking in a chair that was Phil's when he was a little boy.
Ian loves his push toys! He has recently figured out that when one of his toys gets stopped by the wall, he walks around to the end that is touching the wall and starts pushing the toy away from the wall. He's pretty clever in figuring out how to get to where he wants to go without walking there by himself. Ian takes several steps on his own now from one object to's exciting to see.
Blowing bubbles on the porch with Grammie. He looks like he's going on a safari, but I'm just trying to get him used to wearing a hat for the summer. He loves to take hats off, but the chin strap, though too big to fit close to his chin, has actually deterred him from taking this one off.
Petting Chester, our ferocious boxer. :)
Pushing yet another toy around the living room.
"Reading." Ian loves me to read to him, and he knows where the books are kept. He cruises around furniture to get to the shelf, leans over and picks up the book he wants, and then cruises over to me with the book in his hand and his arm outstretched to hand it to me. It's so cute, and I hope his love of reading continues.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
This was Ian's second Easter, and he enjoyed every minute of it. It's hard to believe that last Easter Sunday we were bringing him home from the hospital, and this year he is out hunting Easter eggs and feeding himself. Ian took his first steps on Friday, and he was so proud of himself. Since then, he hasn't tried again, but I'm sure he'll be off and running in no time at all.
Ian loves playing with his Laugh and Learn kitchen, and his new favorite game is to peek over the archway and then...
peek under it. He giggles the whole time he plays this game, and it is too cute to watch!
I had no idea how practical the Easter Bunny could be! :)
Tearing into his Easter basket.
"What are these yellow things?" The Easter Bunny brought a small package of Peeps for Ian to try, and he was quite intrigued.
Trying Peeps for the first time. It looks like he's not quite enjoying it, but he wanted more after his first bite.
His lips are puckering up like they were sour instead of sweet.
Being a boy...spitting and banging things together.
1 Year Photos
I took Ian last Tuesday to get his one year pictures made. It started out kind of rocky in the fact that he didn't want to be in any pictures by himself. He eventually warmed up, and was so photogenic, that it was hard for me to narrow it down to a few poses to purchase. Luckily, a cd with every picture that was taken was also included in the package, so I have lots to share. I realize, looking at this photo session, that he is becoming less of a baby and more of a toddler every day. The time really does fly!

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Happy Birthday
I am about 2 weeks late on posting birthday pictures, but we have been sick around our house and only the essential things have gotten done. I had an ear and sinus infection last week, and Ian is currently on antibiotics for a near-double-ear infection thanks to drainage that started on his birthday. That's right, Ian woke up as a one year old not feeling well. He didn't want anything to do with his cake, but he did enjoy opening presents. We had a small party at our house, and it was nice to get together with friends and family for such a happy occasion. For his 1 year check-up, Ian weighed 22 lbs 6 oz (90th percentile) and was 29.5 inches long (50th percentile). Despite his runny nose (which the doctor figured was allergies), he got a clean bill of health, and it is still hard for me to believe that he is a year old already. Ian has grown and changed so much in the last 12 months, and has taught me more about myself than I ever could have imagined. He brings joy to my life every day, and I am incredibly blessed to have him in my life. Happy birthday little man!
Playing in the box from his swing set. Isn't the best gift ever the box that the toy comes in?
Bound and determined to figure out how a shovel works.

Birthday boy.
My version of a Very Hungry Caterpillar birthday cake.

Triston and Colt sizing each other up.
Enjoying a birthday lunch of cantaloupe, turkey, bread, and cheese.
Triston and Ian. Future best friends and partners in crime.
A rare smile caught on camera.
Enjoying a birthday balloon. He is still playing with this balloon today!
Opening gifts. He loved ripping the paper off the presents.
Trying out his new swing set (and loving it!!).
Playing with a new toy with Aunt Nelli, while Triston is investigating a different toy.
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