Thursday, January 21, 2010
22 Months
I can hardly believe that in 2 short months, Ian will be 2 years old!!! I really don't know where the time has gone. He is a loving, happy boy who has turned into quite the climber. He loves being outside, so these cold winter days that we have had recently have proven difficult for me to try and find other places to play so that he can run off some of his energy. He says a few words (Mama, no, dirt, stay, juice, truck), and he understands everything (things that are asked of him and things going on around him). We have days where the terrible twos run our house, but that is all part of testing his boundaries and growing up. He loves coloring with markers, chalk, and crayons, and I am amazed by his imagination already. It was a beautiful day today, so we spent the morning at the park and I brought my camera along. When the weather gets warmer we'll have more outings to new places, and I'll try to keep up better with Ian's blog. Enjoy!
Picking off the fluff of a dandelion.
Picking a new dandelion.
Just hanging out in the dugout. He looks pretty comfortable there...I might have a baseball player on my hands.
Sick Days
From Christmas until this week, either Ian or myself have been sick. It is truly a challenge taking care of a sick kid when you are also sick, but hopefully we will both be healthy for a while. Here is a picture of my little buddy sleeping soundly now that he feels better and isn't coughing all night long.

Christmas 2009
I know this post is extremely belated, but better late than never, right? We celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve since I had to work on Christmas Day. We had a special Christmas with lots of fun memories, and it was a true joy to be able to see Christmas through the eyes of my child. Ian had no problem opening presents, but it took a while since he got caught up in playing with every gift he opened.

First glimpse at what Santa brought.
Does this smile say it all? He loves my vacuum, so I figured he would enjoy this. I had no idea how much he would enjoy it.
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