Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Playdate
One of my friends organized an Easter Egg Hunt and lunch for about 12 kids on Friday. There was rain in the forecast, but it managed to hold off until the kids collected eggs and played for a while. Ian had a lot of fun, and it was nice to see him in action at his first real egg hunt (he was barely a year old last Easter and was still learning how to walk). We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!
Waiting to go outside and pick up the eggs. Grammie found the cutest Easter basket...Ian instantly fell in love since it had trains on it.
We have had some beautiful spring weather lately, and Ian loves to be outside enjoying it. Here are some photos of him playing in the backyard.
Setting the ball on the tee.
Party...Sort Of
Since I was working on the weekend of Ian's birthday, we were going to celebrate it the following weekend. BUT, the stomach bug came to visit our house, and Ian was up for 3 hours early Saturday morning throwing up. So, I decided to post-pone the party until Sunday. Late Sunday morning I started feeling sick, but I had stayed up Saturday night decorating Ian's cake and I wanted him to be able to enjoy the cake while it was still fresh. My parents came over after Ian and I both had naps, and we let him open his presents and do his cake. Ian's birthday celebration didn't exactly turn out how I had envisioned, but such is life. I did manage to snap a few pictures before I went back to bed...thank goodness my parents were able to come entertain Ian while I had a sick day!
Discovering his gifts.
2 year check-up
I took Ian for his 2 year check up on the 23rd, and we got a few surprises. He had actually lost a little bit of weight since his last visit (this child has NEVER been in the 25th percentile for his weight in his entire life...I guess that's what happens when you go nonstop all day), and he is slightly anemic. The anemia greatly shocked me because Ian is such a good eater. He has some days when he is more picky, but, on the whole, he eats a wide variety of foods. So, we started him on a multi-vitamin with iron (I have to put it in his milk in the morning when he's not looking so he will take it), and we go back in a month to re-check his hemoglobin. Otherwise, Ian is a healthy boy who is growing just as he should be...I am so blessed to have a happy and healthy child. Here is a comparison of his stats from 18 months and 24 months. The picture is of his adorable fat feet (he has to wear extra-wide shoes) in a pair of flip flops he was adamant about wearing because I had on a pair of flip flops that day. Ian copies things that other people do, says new words and phrases every day, climbs on anything he can, loves being outside, and is definitely strong-willed about letting Mommy know what he wants and doesn't want. It is so fun to watch his personality develop more every day!
18 months 24 months
Weight 26.1 lbs (60%) 26.0 lbs (25%)
Height 32.5 in (50%) 34 in (45%)

18 months 24 months
Weight 26.1 lbs (60%) 26.0 lbs (25%)
Height 32.5 in (50%) 34 in (45%)
Happy Birthday
I am still amazed that Ian turned 2 on March 21st! The last 2 years have gone by so quickly, taught me so much, and brought joy and happiness into my life that I didn't know was possible. I had to work on Ian's birthday, but I still made him some cupcakes to enjoy that evening. As you can see from the pictures, he definitely enjoyed his pre-bedtime birthday cupcake!

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