Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I had to work on Thanksgiving this year, so we celebrated the Sunday before. The weather was nice, and Ian enjoyed playing outside until the meal was ready. Ian tried a little bit of everything, but liked the black olives and cool whip the best! :)

"Helping" me mix up a cake.

This boy could run and kick a ball ALL DAY LONG.

Sharing flowers that he picked.

Swinging in the big boy swing and seeing how tall Uncle Justin is.

Supervising the cooking.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Picture Time

Ian and I had our pictures made last week, and I just wanted to share few. Being 2 years old definitely has its ups and downs, and Ian decided for the first half of the pictures that he didn't want to smile. He did warm up to the camera, and the photographer got some good shots. It is amazing to me that, even though I see Ian every day, he seems so much older in photographs! I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of the holiday season.

Looking a little mischievous.

My little drummer boy.

Having some fun dancing with a toy Santa.

Friday, November 5, 2010

To Infinity...And Beyond

Ian had a blast this year for Halloween! It was fun to see him proudly walk up to the door, knock, and say "Trick or Treat" all by himself. Plus, he loved it when people would recognize his costume and say "Hi Buzz." We got a later start than I had planned, but the weather was beautiful and one time around the block just didn't seem enough for this trick-or-treater!

Can you feel the excitement? (Excuse the sucker, he just couldn't part with it for a picture.)
Bored with taking pictures, but I had to get a full length shot of his costume.

Running to the first house.

Needed some help to carry his candy back home!

"I'm just looking Mama." :)

Pumpkin Carving

Ian "helped" me carve the pumpkin this year, and I managed to get a few pictures while keeping the sharp objects out of and away from his fast hands!

The inside of the pumpkin was not a texture that this little boy enjoyed! :) So, I cleaned the pumpkin out and he had fun playing with the seeds after they were in a bowl.

Ian told me what shapes to make the eyes and nose.