Saturday, March 26, 2011
Happy Birthday
It is hard to believe that I first met Ian 3 years ago! The time has just flown by, and it has been amazing watching him grow and learn new things. I didn't have to work on his birthday, so we went to Chuck E Cheese. Ian had such a fun time, and was running from one game to another to make sure he didn't miss out on anything. There are quite a few pictures to follow, but I wanted to make sure I captured every moment. Happy birthday sweet boy; it is a pleasure to be your Mama.
Contemplating whether he is having fun or not with Bob the Builder.
First view of Chuck E Cheese. He kept telling me he wanted to "Go up there and hug him."
Focused on putting the fires out.
This little boy loves to drive.

Putting his token in.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Mundane March
I haven't posted in over a month, and really nothing has been going on that is picture-worthy. Doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, potty training, playing outside when the weather has been nice, reading books, coloring, and grocery shopping are what the last few weeks have entailed for us. But, last week when the realization hit that my little boy will be 3 this month, I dusted the camera off and started taking pictures. It sounds cliche, but children grow up too quickly, and Ian seems to change overnight sometimes. Even though the following pictures are nothing exciting, it is our daily life. Ian is such a loving, sweet boy, and I have to remind myself of that boy when he is having a tantrum or a bad day (which are becoming fewer). I'll especially need that reminder 10-15 years down the road when he is a teenager! :)
Throwing the baseball up and hitting it with the himself since I was making dinner. :)
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