Friday, April 29, 2011


We had a quiet Easter at home that included church, Easter baskets, egg hunting, and a big dinner. Ian really got into the egg hunting action this year, and wanted to stop and open each egg he found, see what was inside of it, close it back up, put it in his basket, and then raced off to find the next egg.
Discovering candy in his basket.

The first piece of chocolate of Easter 2011. Ian frequently told me, "Mommy, my tummy is hungry for more chocolate" throughout the day. :)

Excited about his Easter goodies.

Trying to see what is inside of one of his eggs.

Enjoying a snack while Granddad blows bubbles.

Relaxing after a full day of fun!

Park Time

I took Ian to a new playground the other day, and he had a blast. Here he is enjoying exploring something new.
Climbing up the stone mountain on the side.


Doing his favorite thing...driving. I think he is telling me to put my seat belt on in this picture. Ha ha :)

I get a lot of pictures like this these days because he is ALWAYS on the lookout for the next thing to do.

Once he discovers something else that looks interesting, he's off and running!!!

First time playing tetherball.

I love this picture of my little boy enjoying life.


Ian has thoroughly enjoyed playing with all the plastic Easter eggs this year. Here are a few photos of him immersed in the eggs after his nap.
Here he has dumped all of the eggs out and is making sure they are spread out so he can see each and every one.

Silly boy. (Please excuse the laundry in the background; I happened to be folding it when this impromptu photo shoot started...this is a real life picture!)

Concentrating on getting the egg open.

Lining the open eggs up very carefully.

Assisting Mommy in folding some laundry.

My proud little helper! :)


Ian had his first bowling experience almost 2 weeks ago. We met my brother Justin, or Uncle as Ian calls him, and we all had a great time. He was interested long enough for one game, and is already asking when we can go back.
They had this great ramp he could set his ball on and then just push it toward the pins. Here is one of his first tries.

Running back for a high-five from Mommy. He was just as excited if he knocked 1 pin or 8 pins down.

Rolling the ball without the use of the ramp. The bumpers were up to guarantee at least 1 pin was knocked down!

Despite Mommy explaining to him to not cross the line after he pushed his ball, he still felt like chasing it down the lane one time. I didn't get a picture of what happened next, but he wiped out on the slippery floor and was pretty shocked by how quickly he fell down! Needless to say, he only went down the lane once. :)

Carrying his ball.

This little guy sure does love his Uncle!

Priceless Moments

There are moments every day that I want to forever hold in my heart. Here are a few I was able to get pictures of.
Giving his friend, Blue Bunny (we're pretty creative with names around our house!!), a ride in the wagon. The bunny is sitting on a kitchen towel because Ian wanted to make sure he was comfortable. :)

Enjoying the evening sky with bunny in his lap.Getting on the big boy swing all by himself and swinging all by himself...where did the time go?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Dinosaur Party

Ian had a birthday party last weekend and enjoyed every minute of it! It was at an inflatable playground, and all of the kids were able to jump off lots of energy. Ian was bouncing off the walls with excitement from the moment he woke up, so it was a perfect choice. Here are some photos from the fun day. Dinosaur cake...ROARRR!!
It was hard to get any really good pictures of Ian because he was constantly in motion!

Being silly with Granddad.
Jumping with Uncle.
Laney, Macyn, and Ian (in the back).

Triston and Brady were not too excited about having to take a break from playing to eat. :)
Nelli and pizza-faced Macyn.
Blowing out his candle.
Ian was slightly overcome with embarrassment when he looked around the room and realized that everyone was singing to him! It was a sweet moment.
Ready to enjoy some cake and ice cream.

Laney, who just turned 1, had no problem getting some pizza into her mouth. Her brother Brady likes to eat his pizza upside down; kids are so funny!
Cake face.
Getting a birthday hug from Olivia.
Ian wanted to make sure that everyone was looking at the love he was getting! :)

Enjoying the party blower on the ride home.
Uncle teaching Ian how to use his new chainsaw. I think it might be too young for his first power tool, but the happiness on his face is crystal clear!