We had a low-key Thanksgiving meal on the day after Thanksgiving since I worked on the holiday. It was nice to relax and enjoy the company of people we love.
There was time for swinging.
Ian had so much fun playing baseball with Uncle.
Not quite sure how I actually captured him hitting the ball, but it's a cool photo.
Special moments with Grammie.
LOTS of chasing went on that day.

Ian loves to help in the kitchen. He and Grammie always make something together on the weekends I work.
Taking pictures with Uncle's phone.
AMAZING fashion sense!! (These earrings came with my princess crown from my birthday. Ian made sure his Mommy had a complete gift.)
Trying to share some juice with Uncle, but he already had his "juice from the mountains." Thanks for the new catch phrase, Justin. :)
We did lots of eating. Here Ian is enjoying 2 different kinds of pie...complete with Cool Whip.
Doing something silly at the table.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Another Decade
Someone in our house has turned another year older. A little chef wanted to surprise her with a princess birthday cake ("Because you're a princess Mommy" - I remind myself of these sweet words on really tough days!!). Here are a few pictures of the beautiful cake he and Grammie made.

Singing "Happy Birthday." We are under a burn ban, so 30 candles were not going on top of the cake! :)
Enjoying every bite.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Weekend Fun
Last Saturday, Ian was introduced to the town of Manor. It was a beautiful day, and we had a great time playing at 2 different parks. I think Ian's favorite part of the day was helping make dinner. He was all practiced up on being a chef because he had made a chef's hat at daycare the day before as well as made his own sandwich for lunch that day. I just love picturing a whole classroom full of toddlers wearing chef's hats and feeling important; such a fun time!
Cool dude riding on a motorcycle.
Ian loves to swing and can really get himself swinging high by pumping his legs.
Exploring new places to play.
He did some trike riding.
Ian has never been a climber, but he is becoming more brave and daring as time goes on.

Enjoying some lunch while watching our Red Raiders play football.
We made pizzas for dinner, and Ian felt so special to make his very own pizza. Here he is spreading out the sauce.
Sampling the cheese. The wild look in his eyes makes you think he hasn't eaten for days! :)
Pepperoni was next.
Adding some olives.
While the pizzas were baking, we made bracelets.
These hands are always so busy, but they won't always be this small.
Quite excited to eat his creation. :)
Random Moments
Here are just a few pictures lumped together. They are too cute not to share, but don't really group well with anything else we have been doing lately!
Just a taste of the attitude that lives in our house.
In this ensemble, Ian told me he was "Dressed up like Mommy." I'm not sure if that is a compliment or if I need to submit myself to What Not to Wear.
"Mommy, I want to do a sack race." After we emptied the last of the bird food into the feeder, Ian decided to be creative with the bag.
Jumping to the finish.
As I was cleaning up after dinner one night, it got extremely quiet in the house. I was pleasantly surprised to find this little boy happily playing with his trains, cars, and trucks. It is fun to see his imagination really come to life when he is playing.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Trick or Treat
Ian was excited for Halloween this year! When he woke up yesterday morning and it was still dark outside, he informed me that he was ready to go trick-or-treating. When the sun came up, he finally believed me that we would have to wait until after dinner to get dressed up. It was a fun night, and he didn't fall asleep until 10:15 after all the excitement and candy finally wore off.
Ian went up to almost all the doors by himself, except the ones that looked scary. His funniest comment of the night was when he looked down at some lady's slippers after she answered the door and proclaimed, "You're wearing those because our Red Raiders are playing." She had a Texas Tech double T on the top of her slippers, and she was so impressed that she gave him extra candy...Red Raiders are hard to come by in this part of Texas! :)
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