Thursday, September 4, 2008
Visiting Daddy
This past weekend, Ian and I headed up to Dallas to go see Phil. He has spent the last 2 weeks at Warrior Leader School in South Carolina, and he graduated and returned to Texas on Saturday. Phil worked very hard, and graduated with honors (Commandant's List); I am so proud of my husband and all that he has accomplished thus far! Ian and I drove to Fort Worth on Friday morning (he did great except for the 40 minutes of crying and screaming that seemed like about 4 hours to me), and we spent the afternoon with his cousin, Natalie, and his aunt, Megan (Tia). Saturday afternoon we picked Phil up at the DFW Airport, and Ian was all smiles for his Daddy. He went right to Phil and enjoyed having hugs and kisses from Daddy. We then traveled on to Paris, TX for the evening. Phil had to report at 8:30 on Sunday morning, but we were able to spend Sunday evening together. The time flew by, and, even though it wasn't very long, it was wonderful to be able to have our family together again. There were even moments when the reality of the situation would escape my mind, and it felt like the 3 of us were just on vacation. We left on Monday morning and headed to Pittsburg, TX to stay with some dear family-friends, Granni Jo and Poppa Jim. We enjoyed great company, wonderful food, and a relaxing night's sleep before our 300 mile journey home on Tuesday. Ian was an excellent traveler on the way home, and only got fussy once we were about 90 miles from home. I was exhausted after the long drive on Tuesday (we drove through wind and rain for the first half of the trip thanks to Hurricane Gustav). Needless to say, we both slept well Tuesday night.
Ian and Natty.
The Eiffel Tower of Paris, TX.
Ian with his favorite soldier.

Looking very mischievous with his Daddy.
Studying his Daddy's face.
This is a rare photo of Mommy and Ian. Normally I don't make it into the pictures since I am the one taking them. He had just fallen asleep for the night.
Sitting in the high chair at Granni Jo and Poppa Jim's house.
"Now, how can I get this open? I know there's food inside!"
Admiring Poppa Jim.
Granni Jo was letting Ian play with anything he could get his hands on. He enjoyed every minute of exploring his new environment.
Enjoying sleeping in his bed after being gone for 5 days. All that traveling sure is exhausting!

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I am so glad you and Ian got to spend time with Phil. I know your trips to Dallas are probably packed to the max - but if you ever have some free time, we'd love to meet up with you and Ian :)
We want to see more pictures!!!! :)
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