Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Express Game

Ian got to attend his first minor league baseball game a few weeks ago. We went with my parents and Ian had a great time. He lasted until the top of the 7th inning, and then it became quite apparent it was time for bed. We had a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to taking him to more games in the future.Handing me my ticket.Can you tell by the look on his face how excited he was to meet H-E-Buddy?
"Singing" the national anthem.Quietly observing and taking in every detail.
You have to eat a hot dog at the ballpark.
All the kids were given a backpack as they walked into the game and Ian wanted to wear his everywhere. It's hard to believe in a few short years, Ian will be wearing a backpack to kindergarten!I really was there...with a silly and funny boy!

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