Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Beach Trip 2012

Now that it's December, I figure I should catch up on what we have been doing for the last few months. :)  We went to Port Aransas in September, and enjoyed beautiful weather each day we were there.  It was a relaxing trip, and we were lucky enough to see a different sunrise each morning.
Woke up from his nap just in time to enjoy the ferry ride.

Building sandcastles with Uncle.

Sunrise on day 2.

Fearlessly charging in.

Sandcastle creations.
Helping Grammie make strawberry pie.  This takes serious concentration. :)

Sunrise day 3.

Sunrise on the last day.

Drawing in the sand.
Ian's sand owl.

Feeding seagulls.

Enjoying a snack on the beach.
Eating the last bites of strawberry pie so we wouldn't have to throw it away. :)

All that fun makes for a tired boy.

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