Saturday, July 14, 2012

Backyard Bible Club

Instead of Vacation Bible School, our church does a Backyard Bible Club where the whole neighborhood is invited to come and learn about Jesus.  We hosted a club at our house this year, and Ian loved having so many friends come over to play fun games, sing silly songs, and hear stories out of the bible. 

Singing a song with funny movements to go along with it.
Ian and our next-door-neighbor, Braden.
Anticipating being "it" during a game on water day.  I love his excitement!

Playing Drip, Drip, Drop...just like Duck, Duck, Goose except with water.  The big kids were really great about including the smaller kids.

Fun water game.

Ready to catch a water balloon.  His friend, Bethany, was ready to throw hers.

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